
Stir up that empty space. . .


JDS Architects' proposal for the "void" within the Guggenheim.  Super fun.  My one request : please steer clear of road-construction orange.


Unhappy Hipsters

"Daddy was making them watch yet another documentary on the impact of Bauhaus on American architecture." 


"There it hung— a bicycle built for two, an exclamation point to her lonesome heart."


 "Sunrise, and still no flame. He didn’t even have to look; he knew his guests had gone home."

"The reindeer had tolerated the cheetah’s posturing — up until today."


 "At the art opening, he’d been convinced the blank canvas symbolized endless possibilities. Back at home, it was just one more reminder of his own desperation."


As much as I don't like the term 'hipster',  I'll go with it here.  Unhappy Hipsters is your one stop shop for modern musings, when cheery design blogs and vain design magazines just aren't enough.


Dwell Bedding: I like u.

buy these beauties at Dwell Studio 

There's something to be said for these sets to be holding their own for sometime now.  What that something is?  Eh, who knows.  But what I do know, it that I've seen these around more often then I probably see my own family . . . and yep, not sick of them yet.


Of course I couldn't resist --

Any excuse to post images of a chubular rodent.  He predicts the weather AND kisses on the first date (which is obviously why he needs a chaperon).   Six more weeks of winter and (new for 2010) he promises to text.   15,000 people signed up this year to receive the outcome via text, 12,000 stand in 18 degree weather to watch him roll out of his cage live, and 2 dudes in tuxedos escort him around.  What's even better is that everyone just goes along with the fact that "Punxsutawney Phil" never dies and he's never a she (which is not always true).  PETA has proposed to replace him w/ a robotic version.  I pray for the day I get the most ridiculous text I possibly can:  a weather prediction from my nation's robo-hog.


Nice Legs. . .

img via houseandhome 

A little *too* woody, but my oh my would you have a look at those chair, stool, AND table legs.  Va-voom!  I guess showing a little leg and being the home of two architects gets you in the Best Home of 2009 nowadays. Hmmm.