
My oh MY

I haven't been this enchanted by a website in quite a long time. Poke around a bit and have some fun. Don't forget to take a dip into the content too! Gem after gem. You'll find that ALSO's design has been slipping into your life for some time now; lurking behind the e-curtain of such web favorites as DesignSponge & ReformSchool.


From the Desk of Frank Chimero

Inspirational Design Posters by Frank Chimero.

How fun would it be if instead of a lame resume and cover letter, you were hired by your ability to inspire and your range of wit? "Job requirements: Must be continuously inspire-able, and have the capacity to laugh until your sides hurt. For we all know that this (and only this) will determine your success as an addition to _________ ". And if your answer to that is "no" then there is still this to lighten your cynical load. jerk.


An Ode to Carpool Julie

Twas just one year ago, we were saving the city of Chicago from juicy bits of air pollution. *sob* But fall is more than just Fatty little treats and slow rock mix cds, its a time for a new start. Some may not agree when all the foilage around them is turning and crumpling into a mess, but its true. you can look it up. Thanks, Julie. :) You're right, I'll do it even if it's not perfect.