
I'm moving in.

What an above-the-couch homerun! (note: the following list is not for the faint of heart) the sweet convex mirror from west elm, a little Yoshitomo Nara print, a nice gocco from sugarloop, the bunny crested wave print from kozyndan, and as if that all weren't wonderful enough. . . a nice fat, plain profile frame to bring in the dark woods holding some gem-of-a-print that my super
sleuth eyes cannot quite make out.

I can't remember what site i first saw these pics on . . . . but my, how i LOVE this house. Normally as i peruse through blogs, decor sites, and designer-ly sites i'm like, "that's cool-if they added this.... " or " yeah, it's nice but not livable". but this one struck me as "omg i HAVE that...and that....and THAT!!" -- very similar color palates, a lot of similar accessories, and for the first time i've seen VINYL TOYS (tokidokis & dunnys) within a super rad home!

*round of roaring applause*

i just love the feeling of the whole place & to top things off she has the coveted boston terrier!! 
Check out the rest of the "crib" within her flickr pool. Bra-vo.


Some people just "get" it.. . . .

couch from Remodellista's posting on Ilse Crawford's recent Das Kranzbach

It was a delightful below zero night & we're looking for a parking spot listening to "Rain" by Bishop Allen. We pass a high rise whose lobby is home to a nice yellow couch similar to this one. . . . . & from the backseat my friend says, "Hey, this song goes w/ that couch!". Had it not been an ice fortress outside -- i may have just pulled over, jumped out of the car, and screamed "FINALLY! SOMEONE GETS IT!!!". But instead I drove along w/ my exalted, quiet, & internal joy.
I could go on & on as to why this was rad, but i won't. It just makes me happy that i have friend(s) that comprende, & that send me pictures of cool stuff they bought/cool hats they found, etc. Sometimes you (one) might think you're the only person ever to think said obj/design/packaging/furniture/vintage gem is the "COOLEST thing ever". . . . . and u may be, but there are other crazies out there who may love it just as much. :)


Pottery Lust

I put Jonathan Adler's Druggist Jar Set in a trend board back in Halloween. I can not take it down (from hanging in my cube) because staring at these beauties makes my day. looooove them. 

The Vice Canisters have always been charming, but now that they come in B&W. . . there is a consideration toward liking them. In the meantime, enjoy the Jonathan Adler Manifesto with me.

Sushi Sushi!

I met a friend for sushi this weekend to catch up & it reminded me of this rad sign in Portland. Sushi is the last thing i would assocciate with urgent, maniacal blowfish. i love hilarious signage.

Coming to a living room near u. . . . .er, me.

One of these will soon be making its way onto my currently naked living room walls. I'm sorry, John W. Golden, but with 386 items for sale in your Esty shop....how's a girl to decide? Outstanding layered texture w/ a ponderable text bonus?!? oh, stop. how can i NOT get one?