
Pup Cup

Pup Cup is an 8" tall vinyl wonder by Yoshitomo Nara.

I wish i had an ounce of Pup Cup's serenity to ease me back into what lies past a 4 day weekend.


Composition: How I Love Thee...

Taking Things Seriously: 75 Objects with Unexpected Significance by Joshua Glenn & Carol Hayes

What a lovely book cover. Every time I pass over it I have to pause. It just sends my mind whirling into ideas and daydreams about color palates, composition, placement, & typography - all sorts of designerly goodness. What wonderful, nerdly daydreams. :)


Hive Modern - Portland

I visited the lovely Hive this past January in Portland. I don't know if it was intentional or not; but this little guy was just hanging outside all by his lonesome enjoying the gloomy day.  i considered him a non-verbal greeter: still made me smile without the schmoozing. 

Niiice business cards as well. . . Each one has gorgeous photo on the back (related to bees,flowers, hives, and things of the like) with a quiet little whisper of a website in the corner.  "All Hail the Macro-lens!!"  wait. that may have been a scream.

stitched view from the 2nd floor-ish


"So you've decided to murder...." (opens tri-fold pamphlet)

I was originally going to post this purely as a call-out to the inspiration overload that is held within this site. Come for the wonderfully muted color palates -- stay for the rad typography.  During my journey i must have wandered into the "Mystery" section. . . . where apparently only one thing is "dead-on" . . . . . .MURDER. (ohhh, i just had to).

*bone-chilling scream*

I could spend HOURS on this site. The titles alone are outrageous.
And, of course, don't forget to check out the hysterical "Sleaze" section. ;)